6 week men's course, begins Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 8pm-9pm
Register ($125) with the Fighting Rabbi, instructor Michoel Shapiro. [email protected] or call 714-376-7181
Krav Maga is a military self-defence and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from boxing, wrestling, Aikido, judo and karate, along with realistic fight training.
► Dealing with an active shooter situation in a Shul, public place, or school.
► Defense against a gun threat (being taken hostage at gunpoint).
► Defense against knife attack.
► Defense against a knife threat (being taken hostage at knife point).
► Defense techniques against common unarmed attacks.
► Combative principles and tactics.
Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.